Toonz Academy


Perks of being a Motion Graphics Designer

Animated videos have gotten people curious about motion graphics and what it entails. It’s an exciting blend of voiceovers, story content as well as animation that brings images to life with movements. With this technique, video marketing has redefined content marketing and a 1500-word article can easily be explained within just 15 seconds of motion graphics.

What is Motion Graphics?

It has been used for decades and is a creative way of communicating a visually-striking idea to the target audience. Motion graphics refers to a combination of animation, typography and photography to communicate a brand idea in a quick and appealing way.

What do Motion Graphics designers do?

Using computer software, they create artwork for adverts, movies, televisions and websites. Put simply, motion graphic designers make drawings that are in motion. These visually striking video clips enhance visual branding.

And in the current scenario of ‘social distancing’ and ‘work from home’, it’s a boon being a motion graphics designer as they can work easily from home too. Here are some other perks of being a motion graphics designer:

1. Work across a variety of companies

With companies promoting their brand across the digital platform, there is always an extensive demand for motion graphics designers to create logos, info-graphics, commercials, YouTube videos, etc. Whether it’s for banking, gaming, movies or an insurance company, they all need an interactive website and social media presence to project their brand. This translates to a variety of project sources for motion graphics designers.

2. Express your Creativity

A designer’s job is to take the client’s ideas and turn them into designs that the audience will love. The job of motion graphics designing allows you the freedom to get creative with your ideas and captivate the audience’s imagination so that they can relate to it too. There is no hard and fast rule involved here. It’s just you and your imagination!

3. Be your own Boss

Most designers prefer to work as freelancers and be their own boss after garnering a few years of experience. This gives them the freedom to work from their own space and in their own time. Being self-employed also ensures that they can set their own rates, making the tradeoff totally worth it.

4. Excellent salary options

The number of jobs in this field has been going up steadily in India, with the country becoming the outsourcing ground for companies from US, UK and other Asian countries. There are a number of perks and benefits associated with jobs for motion graphics designers aside from the salary.

5. Learn and earn from your comfort zone

There are a number of online courses and tools you can use to update and hone your skills as a designer. Using this knowledge to fuel your passion as you work from home is just one of these perks!

Get enrolled into Toonz Academy at Technopark, Trivandrum and watch your career in Motion Graphics take off.

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